Board of Trustees

Lisa Allen
Cody Andrus
Daniel Baer
Paul Carniol
Bob Davies
Cynthia Falco
Janet Fike
Emi Havas
Bob Heissler
Frank Macioce
Stacey McEvoy
Paula Mooney
Carlyle Newell
Liz Newell
Jama Podell-Vitale
John Serruto
Jamie Serruto
Joseph Stefans
Monica Vir
Rick Wolffe
Joyce Zemsky

HTTV Officers

President — John Serruto
Vice President — Frank Macioce
Treasurer — Bob Heissler
Secretary — Bob Davies
General Counsel — Monica Vir

Executive Committee

John Serruto, Chair
Lisa Allen
Janet Fike
Frank Macioce
Paula Mooney

Programming Review and Policy Committee

John Serruto and Frank Macioce, Co-chairs
Geoff Belinfante
Stacey McEvoy
Paula Mooney
Liz Newell

Social Media Committee

Lisa Allen and Cody Andrus, Co-chairs
Stacey McEvoy
Amanda Olsen
Jamie Serruto

Community Relations Committee

Paula Mooney and Emi Havas, Co-chairs
Stacey McEvoy
Cynthia Falco
Liz Newell
Joe Stefans